Pro Golf Supercenter

Monday, September 21, 2015

US Wins Solheim Cup Over Team Europe 14 1/2 to 13 1/2

Juli Inkster, the queen of US ladies' golf, led Team USA to a stunning come from behind victory over Team Europe on Sunday to reclaim the Solheim Cup after a crushing defeat two years ago here in the US.  After preaching for nearly two years that she wanted a team with a blue-collar work ethic, U.S. captain Juli Inkster gave each of her players metal lunch buckets as gifts at week’s start that were painted red, white and blue.
Criticized for being more about style than substance, this American bunch delivered the latter in excess in Sunday’s unforgettable 14½ to 13½ comeback victory.
They did so transforming themselves in the image of their captain, and what a makeover it proved to be.
These American women took an exhilarating journey together going from record-breaking losers to record-setting winners. This was virtually the same group that lost to the Europeans in a Solheim Cup record rout two years ago. Alison Lee was the only addition to this team who wasn’t there for the 18-10 loss at Colorado Golf Club. With Sunday’s victory in Germany, the Americans avoided losing this event for a third consecutive time with the largest comeback in Solheim Cup history. Down 10-6 going into singles, they claimed the cup winning eight of Sunday’s 12 singles matches and halving another. They’re the first team in cup history to come back from being four or more points down going into the final session. So how does this win rank among the best of Solheim Cup victories over the decades? Share your thoughts here at the Pro Golf Tour.

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